Institutional Development Program

NIA is mandated to:

  • Organize and develop irrigation farmer-beneficiaries into Irrigators Associations (IAs)/ Irrigators Service Cooperatives (ISCs);
  • Register the IAs with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); ISCs with Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) - to attain legal personality;
  • Provide needed capacity building/training activities to the IAs/ISCs before transferring operation and maintenance (O&M);
  • NIA, under its Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) program, is mandated to gradually transfer the management and O & M of national irrigation systems (NIS),wholly or partially, to duly organized IAs/ISCs;
  • Likewise, the agency develops communal or small irrigation projects (CIP) or rehabilitates existing communal irrigation systems (CIS) with IA participation then completely transfer to the IA the O & M of the of the completed CIP or rehabilitated CIS;
  • NIA assists the IAs/ISCs in establishing linkages with other agencies (both government and private) that provide support services and other assistance programs including livelihood/small business ventures to increase farm productivity and family income.
 NIS Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) – gradual transfer of management and O & M of National Irrigation Systems (NIS) to IAs depending on the size of the NIS and capacity of IAs.
Model 1 Maintenance of canals delegated to IAs ; IA is compensated based canal area maintained and existing labor rate
Model 2 Turnover of management of lateral canals to IAs; IAs get a share of Irrigation Service Fee (ISF) collected; Typical ISF sharing: NIA: 70% IA:30%
Model 3 Turnover of management of main and lateral canals to IA Federation (Headworks/Dam not included); IAs get a share of Irrigation Service Fee (ISF) collected; Typical ISF sharing: NIA: 70% IA:30%
Model 4 Complete turnover of irrigation system to IAs; IAs pay NIA a rental fee at a rate of 75-100 kilograms of dry palay per hectare per year.
 CIS Complete turnover of irrigation system to IAs for operation and maintenance. Generally, IAs contribute 10% equity during construction period and pay NIA amortization fee of the direct cost of construction of the project for a period not exceeding 50 years. An IA has the option to contribute an equity equivalent to 30% of the project cost and the rest of the project cost is considered fully-paid.